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What is Java Caching System (JCS)?
Java Caching System is a very important part of the Java Specification for memory-cache purposes. In this article we will see how to use it with some examples.
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Working With TextWatcher - Android Course - Part 27
In this lesson, we will talk about the TextWatcher. We will start with the standard application and keep the defaults. However, We will replace the content view with only the TextEdit.
Working with Remote EJBs in Java
In this article we will see how to use one of the most important features of JEE: EJBs, not locally, but remotely.
Using Functions in PostgreSQL
In this article we will see how to create a custom audio player for the web environment using only jQuery and audio plugins.
NoSQL vs NewSQL: BigData in Details
In this article we will see a complete discussion regarding these two new BigData methodologies: NoSQL and NewSQL, their main features and principles.
How to Refresh Div Content Using jQuery
In this article we will see how to use jQuery JavaScript framework to implement a refresh into divs that have dynamic internal resources.
How to create an Online Portfolio with Bootstrap
In this article we will see how to create, from the beginning to the end, a complete and flexible online portfolio, using only CSS, HTML and JavaScript along with Bootstrap framework
How to Create Tour Guide Tooltips in Android Apps
It is very common to have in our apps a way to teach users how to best use them. One of these ways is tooltips. In this article we will learn how to control its components through TourGuide Android library.
Node.js: Retrieving JSON Data from Web Services
Node.js is one of the strongest frameworks of nowadays, and its functionalities go further than simply executing JavaScript on server side, but also allowing Web Services consumption. Here, well see how to consume a WS with JSON and Node API.